
Inauguration of ICT classroom at The CPAJ

On 18th 04 2024, the ICT Classroom was inaugurated at the CPAJ (Centre Presbyterien d’Amour des Jeunes).

It is a KOICA-funded project aimed at improving the school’s capacity. According to the Country Director of KOICA in Rwanda, the project was implemented to provide CPAJ students with opportunities for self-development not only in professional activities but also in technological capacity building in line with Rwanda’s youth development strategy.

The Deputy Moderator of the Kigali Presbytery, who was representing the leadership of the Church, in his speech appreciated the good and continuing cooperation between EPR and KOICA. The delegation in the private sector of the government expressed appreciation, saying that the Church helps the government to address and take care of the needs of the community, the students are expected to follow and take care of the new creations they will receive, taking care of the materials they have been given.










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