health department

The department of Health is  one of the 7 departments of EPR. Its mission is to promote quality health care and community health among the population. Interventions of health department include health facilities and community health projects.


Health Facilities of  EPR include District hospitals, health centers and health posts.·

  • Two District hospitals namely Kirindaand Remera-RukomaHospitals:(1)Kirinda  Hospital is located  in Karongi District, Western Province. It serves a population of 121,242 inhabitants, with a capacity of 157 beds. (2) Remera-Rukoma Hospital is located in Kamonyi District, Southern  Province, it  serves a population of 428,986, with a capacity of 173 beds.
  • Six Health Centers:(1)Kirinda health center: located in Karongi District, Murambi Sector, it serves a population of 26,417 inhabitants. (2)Rubengera health center: located in Karongi District, Rubengera Sector, it serves a population of 29,389 inhabitants. (3)Remera health center:located in Kamonyi District, Rukoma Sector, it serves a population of 43,981 inhabitants. (4)Biguhu health center: located in Karongi District, Ruganda Sector, it serves a population of 20,466 inhabitants. (5)Kirambo  health center:located in  Karongi District, Gitesi  sector, it serves a population of 30,171 inhabitants. (6)Rwahi health center: located in Rulindo District, Shyorongi Sector, it serves a population of 10,374 inhabitants.·
  • Five health posts: 3 health posts built by EPR, namely (1)Kiruhura health post in Gicumbi District, (2)Gatare-Vugangoma health post in  Nyamasheke District, and  (3)Zinga health post in Rwamagana District.  There are also 2 health Posts namely Mukore in the District of Rutsiro, and Cyamuganga in the District of Gicumbi,built in partnership with the government whereby  EPR contributed by providing the land.


The number and nature of community health projects vary from year to year depending on the opportunities for funds mobilization from donors.

  • From 2002 until 2019: The HIV/AIDS project, funded by EPUB/SolidaritéProtestant  (2002-2014) in collaboration with EED (Development Service of the Protestant Churches in Germany) and Bread for the world (Germany).
  • September 2019- August 2022: Project of “Youth Education on Sexual and reproductive Health, responsible Sexuality and promotion of positive Masculinity”, with the financial support from Bread for the World. The initiation of this project was especially motivated by the increasing number of early pregnancies among young adolescent girls in Rwanda.
  • August 2020-July 2021: Covid-19 project, with the financial support from  Difaem (german institute of medical mission).
  • Since 2007, EPR through the medical coordination program has established partnership relations with international donors present in Rwanda, for the execution of various community health projects. Among these Organizations, we can mention CHF International which later became Global Communities (2007-2020), Population Services International: PSI (2009-2012), and Catholic Relief Services: CRS (2014-2016). The areas of interventions of these projects were the fight against HIV/AIDS, hygiene and Sanitation, Early Childhood development (ECD), Promotion of savings and credit, family planning, and nutrition.
Director of Health Department

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