Church Growth Department

11 years of anniversary of grassroots communities

Presbyterian Church in Rwanda,  Kiyovu parish celebrated 11 years of anniversary of grassroots communities. They started in 2013 with the books of teachings given once a week, the discussions and information given at this time have an important role in changing family members and their places of residence, and are intended for all church members.

The testimony of church members showed that the grassroots community plays a big role, and the positive impact. They said that in this meeting, alongside the word of God, it is also the time for the exchange of ideas within the framework of the development of the Church and of themselves and this increases unity and love between them.

It was a happy day for the members of Kiyovu Parish; The Vice-President and Legal Representative of EPR, Rev. Julie Kandema came to join them and the presidents of the grassroots communities received the certificates of appreciation.

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