
The General Synod from August 6th to 9th 2024

From August 6th to 9th, 2024, the General Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR) took place at the Bethany Investment Group /ISANO branch. This important gathering is the highest decision-making body within the EPR and was attended by 60 members; representing 7 presbyteries of the Church. In addition, The EPR representatives, missionary guests from Indonesia on a study trip to Rwanda, exactly in EPR, other guests from the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), and EPR staff head office were present.

During the Synod, one of the key activities was the election of new Moderators and Vice Moderators  of the presbyteries: Kigali, Zinga, Remera, Gitarama, Rubengera, Kirinda, and Gisenyi. The newly elected Moderators are as follows:


        ZINGA                                                     KIGALI                                                   REMERA                                       GITARAMA


 Past. NKURUNZIZA Paul         Past. MUSABYIMANA Bienvenu      Past. BIZIMANA Jérôme       Past. SIBOMANA Fidèle


      RUBENGERA                                                      KIRINDA                                                      GISENYI


 Past. MUSABYIMANA Vincent      Past. UWIMBABAZI  Jacqueline                Past. KARANGWA Prince


            members of General Synod

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