The Executive Council of Cevaa from 18th to April 23rd
Presbyterian Church in Rwanda hosted the Executive Council of Cevaa from 18th to April 23rd, 2023 in Bethany Hotel. The President of the EPR had the pleasure of welcoming the participants to the church and to Rwanda Country. The delegates are from 12 countries; members of Cevaa.

The President of the EPR, in his speech, relied on peace. Where he said that “Peace be with you. To welcome the Risen One is to be at peace. Fear and closure go together, and peace and openness go together. The Lord calls us to go out to others, open our hearts, and speak of the Risen One, of this guaranteed peace. By his word, we have a declaration of peace’’
During their stays had the opportunity to visit Bisesero Memorial Site.

Last day, Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 they visited Kibuye Parish where they worshiped