Kirinda is one of 7 presbyteries that make up the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda. This organ has been named presbytery by the EPR General Synod, which took place on March 10 -14, 2014. The structure of the EPR was changed there was a combination of what were regions, formed 7 presbyteries. It is located in Karongi District, Ouesten Province.
The historical background of Kirinda Presbytery is the foundation of Protestantism in Rwanda and of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda because the first protestant missionaries started at Kirinda. This Presbytery has taken the regions of Kirinda, Itabire and one parish of Gaseke.
P.O Box: 56 Kigali
Contact: +250 782750226 (Office)
Kirinda Presbytery is composed by 18 parishes and 6 sub parishes namely:
- Parishes
- Kirinda
- Gitwa
- Mubuga
- Wagishimbiri
- Kabirizi
- Rugabano
- Burango
- Biguhu
- Ngange
- Kabuyenzi
- Kugituntu
- Kuruganda
- Rusengesi
- Mugano
- Nyagisozi
- Sovu
- Mutuntu
- Munanira
- Sub-parshes
- Ruhare
- Jimbu
- Musasa
- Nyabikeri
- Rugobagoba
- Musebeya